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Felton CAN is currently surveying local footpaths, and potential sites for tree or wildflower planting, reduced hedge and verge cutting, and replacement of trees lost through ash dieback. Results will be published here, when finalised.

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Centre-barred Sallow

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Flame Carpet

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Iron Prominent

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Mother of Pearl

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Brown China-mark

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Recording Moths in Felton
Hazel Makepeace

Two successful trapping sessions have been carried out in 2021 - one on a summer evening at Cowslip Hill and the other a few weeks later in Acton. Although just a few weeks apart there was a distinct difference in the moths that were caught.

Cowslip Hills’s catch was mostly summer flying moths and the Acton session produced a catch with a much more autumnal feel (not quite as many moths but some beautiful, colourful ones). 

I took the opportunity to put a couple of bat detectors out to record any bats that might be in the vicinity and at both locations there were bats foraging pretty much all the time that we were there.  Species recorded: Common pipistrelle, Soprano pipistrelle, Noctule and one of the Myotis species (most likely Whiskered/Brandts bat). 
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Gold Spot

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Setaceous Hebrew Character

Brown Spot Pinion

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